Author: Tallon

  • Story Idea: 37 (or ‘Olympus’)

    Accompanying character idea to be posted: Mark “Crosshair” Teever Story Idea: “Crosshair” gets trapped in the top floor of the Mony building, where it is his role to report back to Zyracuse Central about any visible Zack movement and/or gatherings within the city. Somehow, the zack below discover his presence, and begin heading his direction.…

  • Mouthwash

    Do know the only thing that smells worse than undead? Untreated halitosis.Yes. I’m serious. All those people, crammed into Zyracuse Central like cattle — everyone scrambling to meet their chore quota, getting ready to cash in their ration tokens, or worse just sitting there, rocking back and forth muttering to themselves. A thousand “survivors” in…

  • Exodus

    A boyscout troup camping in the woods (in the summer) find themselves being overrun by the Panic toward the Niagara Incident. Ignoring their better judgement to flee with the rest, they start heading back toward Zyracuse — using boy scout training to survive their trek to civilization (bus stolen, looters, zack, etc). The scout leader…