Category: 2. Unedited Drafts

  • Cleaning Service

    I vividly remember a classmate slapping a twenty bill face up on the middle desk of my 12th grade English class declaring the world would fall into disrepair, for some reason or another. There really was no way in predicting it, a notion maybe but no real psychic ability behind this one whatsoever. It may…

  • Survival

    Date: 8/13/20– Location: North Carolina, Camp Mackall Special Forces training base. Approx 25 Mi. SW of Ft. Bragg SITREP: Special Forces Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape Training “Where is the other team!? We can sit here and beat the shit outta you all damn day meaker, all you gotta do is spill your guts.” “Meaker,…

  • Zack Don’t Surf

    Date: May 25, 20– Time: 1737 hours Sit Rep: Small Special ops detachment sent in to recon and secure situation inside Baghdad. All other Mechanized, Airborne, and regular Infantry are to move outside of city, secure perimeter. Orders stand to eliminate ANY trying to escape city; Living or Dead. The rotor wash of a passing…

  • Click…

    The rain outside had begun to slow, an unfortunate lull in the storm passing over northern Florida. The sounds of the rain were slowly being replaced by the moaning of the dead outside the sergeant’s hotel room. The skinless fingers clawing at the door…. Why wont they stop? Why wont they leave? I haven’t uttered…

  • Santa’s Little Helper

    Inside the back of a store atop a loft woke a young girl, no older than fourteen, in a jolt from what only one could assume as a nightmare. No matter…it didn’t work quite as well as she expected, out of one and into another. Covered head to toe in bundles of clothing she much…

  • Operation: Dalian

    Character: Sgt. Meaker Place: Dalian, China Time: 1030 hours Date: Unknown Sometime before the infection reached the United States The rotor wash swept over the ground and the 12 Special Forces troops near the UH-60 Blackhawk as it lifted off the ground and disappeared into the morning sun. The center soldier issued a hand signal…

  • Merry Zmas

    “Spot!” Wherever that mutt had gone, he was either out of earshot or ignoring him. “Dammit! Spotttt!” This wasn’t good. They were supposed to be partners. Where had that mutt run off to? If he came home without that lousy dog, Katie would have a fit. And if Katie had a fit, Lauren wouldn’t–it was…