Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (Gone Part II)
“What’s taking them so long?” Sasha asked Allen as they stood next to the pile of corpses behind the MOST. The other two members of her squad had gone to do a quick sweep of the museum. “They said they were just gonna be a couple of minutes.” “You want to go get them? I’ll…
Exhibit Z
Sean walked into the exhibit holding a shank of meat. “Well that’s the last of the lion, what do you think we should eat next,” he looked over to see Shannon just getting up. “How can you eat that knowing you killed a poor defenseless creature,” she replied groggily. “Defenseless? You have got to be…
Endangered Species
Vannawhite’s face was a death mask as she walked past Clipboard, staring straight ahead, face covered in her own blood. She didn’t slow down or even acknowledge him. He watched her go in amazement. When she was ten yards past, he called after her. “Hey V-Dub! Don’t you have anything to say? What happened? Is…
Shannon kicked open the house door after working it open with her trusty crowbar. “That’s how you do it” she bragged. She gave a cocky smile to her Corps partner Dylan as he rolled his eyes. All three members of the salvage team snickered. Dylan suddenly lifted his finger and pointed behind Shannon. Without a…