Tag: -longer

  • Spanked

    “There’s one more thing.” Bored heads looked up around the meeting hall at the center of the two concourses. Once it had been an airport-themed playground, wasted space at the airport to teach children about the wonders of flight through space-filling models. Now, it was the only place big enough to hold full-zone meetings indoors…

  • Fear and Loathing in Zyracuse

    It was official. We were definitely in the ass end of nowhere which, contrary to popular belief, is the best part of nowhere. I had been collecting mushrooms off piles of cow shit for the better part of the day, while my attorney slept in the car and was now cruising down the Thruway dodging…

  • Gen 4:9

    Charlie Danton lay in the shadow of an overgrown overpass watching a wide and shallow stream. The road in between was cracked and looked sticky in the July sun. The burned out hulk of a tractor trailer lay on its side further down the road, the skeletal remains of a great beast from some other…

  • Brews

    Frank Chesterfield was tired. His back was killing him from a hard day’s work and the only thing in the world that he really wanted was a hot shower, but that of course was out of the question. He hadn’t seen so much as a sponge in a week and wasn’t expecting anything more relaxing…

  • In Pace Resquiscat

    I found this notebook at the bottom of my bag this morning. I was looking for my last can of tuna. There’s not much in here, a to do list from a few months ago: groceries, gas, dentist appointment. I wish I had used the space for another can of beans. I think I’ll try…

  • Hitman

    Whenever anyone asked Jake Rogers about his life before the invasion, he always responded the same way. “I was a hitman.” No one really believed him, but they would play along and listen to his stories anyway. Everyone assumed that Jake had a normal job in his past life and that he created his stories…

  • Still

    “Oh my god. I’m in love. Hey baby! How about it?” “Johnson, I wouldn’t do it with you if you were the last man on earth.” “Come on, Jackie. At the rate things are going around here, I will be soon enough. And all you poor lonely ladies will have to fight over me. You…

  • St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

    Greg looked into the eyes of his fiancée, the woman he had proposed to just two years ago. When he awoke that morning he never would have guessed that he’d be in this situation. Luckily, without electricity, the convenience store’s doors wouldn’t open and somehow the glass on both the windows and door remained intact.…

  • The State of The Zonion

    Friends, We find ourselves in a terrible situation. In Onondaga County, the zombies outnumber every one of us 500 to 1. Even with our perimeter fence, we will not withstand a massed attack come springtime. We have been abandoned by the federal and state governments. The feds have moved west, into the Rocky Mountains, leaving…

  • Peeps

    I remember the good old days when I wasn’t starving to death. Remember when you could drive your car to a fast food window and get a day’s worth of calories in a single Extra Value Meal? Do you remember how a pint of that hippie ice cream–the one they made out of monkeys–went right…

  • Choices

    Left or right, up or down, soup or salad. Life is full of choices. For Tom, making the right choice was usually simple: pick the option that worked best for Tom. He never thought how his actions would affect others, only how he could benefit most. Tom always seemed to make the right choice at…