Tag: Father Joseph

  • Hollow Be Thy Name

    Our father, who art in heaven, A hot shower with clean water. For as long as I wanted. And central heat with clean, fluffy towels when I get out. White cotton towels like angel’s wings. Clean sheets and a woman who wasn’t trading it for rations. There’s heaven for you. That’s all. Nothing more. Hallowed…

  • B-easter

    Joseph gathered up his followers and joined forces with a dozen or so pagans and the fortieth squad of Corpse Corps. They headed out for the hill by the water tower at Thornden Park. It had always been one of his favorite spots in Syracuse. Never before had a mass been delivered so quietly or…

  • Love in the Time of Solanum

    It was a world of want, of need, yet everything was for sale. Everything had a price. And the price of love was too high. No one could afford it. Who would invest in another mouth to feed? Who would want to have to back up the words “in sickness and in health” when sickness…

  • Sanctified

    Meaker stood in the priest’s doorway as Joseph looked up from the chapter he’d been studying. Meaker shifted his weight once from left to right. He looked uncharacteristically nervous. “Why hello, John. What brings you by here?” the priest asked with his disarming smile and singsong inflection. “It’s Skulls, Father. He’s asking for you.” “And…

  • Peace

    Father Joseph Tutombu was the only member of Corpse Corps who did not complain about doing disposal duty. The man never, ever stopped smiling. As a result, Chuck usually avoided him like the plague. There was something suspicious about a smiling priest, especially a foreign-born one. But today was special. Today was the anniversary of…