Tag: Krezner

  • Crash and Burn

    “Oh good, you’re awake.  How are you feeling?” “I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.  What happened?  How did I get here?” “I was hoping you’d be able to answer your first question.  The rest of your squad brought the two of you back; she’s in real bad shape.” “She who?  What do…

  • Gen 4:9

    Charlie Danton lay in the shadow of an overgrown overpass watching a wide and shallow stream. The road in between was cracked and looked sticky in the July sun. The burned out hulk of a tractor trailer lay on its side further down the road, the skeletal remains of a great beast from some other…

  • Welcome To Zyracuse

    I should have gone with the others. We heard about the evacuation, but I didn’t go. We had plenty of notice. I had time to barricade the doors and windows. I had to protect my home. It wasn’t the ghouls that I was afraid were coming: I’ve seen the movies and figured I could stop…

  • The Walk

    Clipboard knew something was up as soon as the 18th Squad came trudging down the boulevard. They were moving too slowly. The 18th had been becoming one of the best: they were going out farther and returning with more kills than any other unit. They were cold, efficient, and ruthless—just like everyone else in Corpse…