Category: 2. Unedited Drafts

  • Ravage

    They rip apart our families… They tear open our hearts… They unleash our inner fear… Progressing slowly through the streets, Groaning loudly and smelling of rotting flesh, Dripping blood and gore where they walk, Leaving a path of decay, I won’t let them get me. I won’t be weak. I shall be strong in this…

  • The Hunt is On!

    It’s funny, the things that you miss, no matter how insignificant. For as long as I can remember, mid-February meant heading out to a local park and searching for a tiny plastic medallion. I never found the Syracuse Winterfest Medallion, but I came close. I was in Burnet Park, no more than 20 feet from…

  • Audition

    I always write under a pen name. No one can know who I am. It helps with the marketing. Without marketing, I’m talentless. Hungry. The mystery helps keep me fed. Outside the fence, I’d be zombie food. Inside, I’m a ghost. It’s better that way. At first, I tried humor. I thought people had enough…

  • Forgotten Seasonal Shadow

    Feb. 2nd Happy Groundhogs Day! If the groundhog was smart he’d keep in his burrow. Unless he was a early riser, then in that case that poor groundhog was as good as Z-chow. Although the sun was covered by snow clouds you could see the sun beaming through. I prayed Spring would arise early. No…

  • Steve Golden, Retriever

    “Hey, it’s Steve, isn’t it? What’s the matter, mac?” “I have the most depressing job in the Zone, Ron.” “I hear that from a lot of people who are trying to score a free burger. Go cry on somebody else’s shoulder–I cook rats for a living.” “I go out and pick up the pistols that…

  • Death At Daybreak

    The walls seemed as if they were closing in on me. It had to be around 2 a.m. when I heard more screams of terror. Every day, every second of living with the threat of those monsters killing me, my friends, and my family makes me want to just find a way out. But I…

  • The Killing Frost

    Lisa was not pretty, but she was effective. She knew it. Sixth squad had never lost a member. They’d been together since the beginning. But today was not going well. The Z’s were coming in faster than the squad could kill them off. Their line had been split by a surge of Z’s. There was…

  • Door 13.

    “So, why are goods transported via car referred to as a ‘shipment,’ while goods sent by ship are called ‘cargo’?” asked a penetrating voice in the room’s silence. All was black in the room of makeshift confinement – perhaps even pitch black, if such a difference between “black” and “pitch black” could be determined. There…

  • Come What May

    Shit, shit, shit! How the fuck could I do that?! I threw my rifle to the ground as I fell to my knees and burst into tears. My hands covered my face, so all you could see were the X’s on my hands. Flea stood behind me and kicked my ass. She told me “you…

  • In the name of God

    “You really think he is a bad man Father? The way I remember it, the Soldiers helped us during the panic.” “Trust me, I’ve met this man before, He is as evil as sin itself. I could never forget his face.” Two dark figures spoke quietly, the only light was that from an old light…

  • Operation: Zombieclause

    Operation: Zombie Clause Characters: Lt. Meaker, Anthony Rodriguez, David Johnson, Jacob Smith, and Charlie Agotti Place: Mattydale, Salina, New York. Time: 2347 Hours 12/24/20– Christmas in Syracuse. Normally a festive setting rests upon the city; now only the light snowfall and dim moonlight show any sign that time has not frozen along with the undead…