Recurring Character: Clipboard

<<Please note: This is not my character to do this to. This is not canon and needs improvement.>>


Name: Bob McCarthy. 44 Years old. Formerly of DeWitt.

Forensic accountant, Department of the Treasury. Worked from the Federal Building in downtown Syracuse. Always carried a pistol.

His wife and three kids boarded the last Delta flight to  Cleveland, hoping to get jet West. He stayed behind so women and children could board.
Puts himself into his work as a means of dealing with the loneliness. Hardly ever seems to be off duty.  When he is, it’s noticeable. A former warm family man, now he seems more like a monk.
Injured his left leg permanently during the Panic. Walks with a noticeable limp, faster than a Z, but looks like one on the one side. Does not go outside the fence.

Has a near-photographic memory. Can perform calculus in his head.

He is the interface between the boots on the ground and Brooks. He is probably the second most important person in the Zone.

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