Character: Crosshair

Real Name: Mark Teever
Age: 42
Gender: Male

Background: Mark was a television and radio traffic announcer for WSYR news when the outbreak began. He served in the national guard and spent a tour in Iraq as a communications officer. His military background (albeit minor) coupled with his communications training (SU Maxwell School of Communications graduate of 91) made him an ideal member of the Corpse Corps. His primary duty is to watch for zombie movement patterns from the top of the Mony Building (Codenamed ‘Olympus’ from which Crosshair rains down his lightning bolts), which he reports to Clipboard back at Central.

One response to “Character: Crosshair”

  1. 1. Strike (albeit minor.) It’s politically incorrect, though probably true…
    2. I’ve been thinking about outposts for a while and this solves that problem wonderfully.
    3. We need someone who knows something about radio, either CB or Ham–low power, anyway. He’d probably have something like a line-of-site to the tower at Hancock.
    4. His rifle should be a sniper rifle to be consistent with his nickname.
    5. He’d be able be used in the “Math Migration” story as well.

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