John, it’s a little known fact that the ancient Sumerians used pumpkins to ward off sluts at the annual “Festival of Throwing Pumpkins at Sluts.” (My Sumerian isn’t very strong; the translation may not be exact.) Log in to Reply
7 responses to “Happy Halloween!”
Leave it to Chris to keep the halloween spirit alive.
This just made my Halloween a little less slutty 😀
I… Um… what? Nice pumpkin though.
If awesome was in the form of a vegetable, it would look like that.
If awesome was in the form of a vegetable, it would look like that.
John, it’s a little known fact that the ancient Sumerians used pumpkins to ward off sluts at the annual “Festival of Throwing Pumpkins at Sluts.” (My Sumerian isn’t very strong; the translation may not be exact.)
This owns face.
This owns face with fuzzy apples glued to it.