Tag: -flash

  • Get This Man a Laptop

    He walked with a limp in his right leg. That was the first thing they noticed. The second was the calm clarity and certainty with which he spoke. Later, but not until much later and separately, they would figure out that he timed his meeting so that he would be alone with them in the…

  • The Hidden Truth

    Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. George Bernard Shaw said that over a century ago. I know that ’cause I like to collect quotes from famous people. I’ve got eight quote books back at my bunk. I’m trying to catalog…

  • Let’s Do It

    Squish. “Hey, Parker. Remember what you asked me about a month ago?” Thunk. “Vannawhite, Parker’s been asking you to get naked twenty times a week for the last year. What’s so special about a month ago?” Crack. “Shut up, Uptown. Parker. You remember?” Klunk. “Yeah. I remember.” Pop. “You still wanna?” Bonk. “I guess so.…

  • Old Oneball

    Clipboard, Slater, and Brooks sat at one side of the conference table. Court had been going quickly that night: two curfew violations, three fence violations, one robbery, four brawls, and one indecent exposure, which had been dismissed as a simple misunderstanding. They were waiting for the last five cases, who would be tried all at…

  • Sanctified

    Meaker stood in the priest’s doorway as Joseph looked up from the chapter he’d been studying. Meaker shifted his weight once from left to right. He looked uncharacteristically nervous. “Why hello, John. What brings you by here?” the priest asked with his disarming smile and singsong inflection. “It’s Skulls, Father. He’s asking for you.” “And…

  • Remember When

    Glossy put his shovel back on his shoulder. “Remember when people used to have to take medicine to lower their cholesterol level?” Glossy put the point of his shovel on the ground but did not dig. “I remember when children used to cry when they were hungry,” replied Candy. “I got one. Remember when the…

  • The White Stripes

    “Ron, what on earth is that smell? It’s everywhere!” “You want a burger or you want to puke? If it’s puke, go over there. Don’t barf on my meat.” “Krezner was getting worried about a cholera outbreak. Or E. Coli. I don’t know what. It’s hideous.” “It’s better than how you smell. Be quick, pal.…

  • A Hero Among Us

    “Kids these days, they’re really missin’ out, Ron.  Back when we was young, we had all sorts of superheroes to follow.  Superman, Captain America, even that plastic guy.  Each month was a new adventure.  They’d fight some super villain, and in the end the good guy always won.”  I say as Ron nods to appease…

  • Who Will Tell Our Stories?

    Where have all of the great writers gone?  Aren’t there more stories to be told?  Just about the only way to escape the madness is to lose yourself in a good book.  I’ve read all of the books we have here.  I want new stories. Over the years, the salvage teams supplied us with hundreds …

  • It’s a Small World After All

    We used to talk around the fires. Anything to alleviate the boredom, to pass the time. Old TV shows, old romances, old cars, old adventures. It was a way of bonding, a way of getting to know the guy that was going to be standing next to you on the lines the next day, a…

  • Fed Up

    Everyone sees it as damnation. “How could this happen?”, they say, “What did I do to deserve this?” Oh yes, they will say I, because in these times no one person considers another. I however see it differently. The bills were piling up, the jobs were getting cut faster than checks at the banks, the…