Auburn Correctional Facility
Auburn Correctional Facility is probably to most secure place in all of CNY during a zombie attack. A structure specifically designed to keep people in would be perfect for keeping Zak out. I wanted to have this be the setting of my next story, but I’m finding that information about the place on the net…
The State of the Blue Zone Address
I think Brooks should deliver a State of the Blue Zone Address. Probably after the Niagara Incident. It could explain when the generators would run, food rations, curfew, and updates on the cleanup of Syracuse/surrounding area.
Hide and Destroy
In order to get some sort of morale boost and training going on, Slater develops a game called Hide and Destroy or Zack and Seek or something like that. One battalion ( or whatever we are calling the groups of twenty squads) will pose as the invading zombies while the other hunts them down. There…
Story Idea: 37 (or ‘Olympus’)
Accompanying character idea to be posted: Mark “Crosshair” Teever Story Idea: “Crosshair” gets trapped in the top floor of the Mony building, where it is his role to report back to Zyracuse Central about any visible Zack movement and/or gatherings within the city. Somehow, the zack below discover his presence, and begin heading his direction.…
More story ideas
I had a lot of time to think while I was going to and from Auburn today. Outpost. I have no idea what would happen in the outpost or where it would be. I just imagine a cold and crowded outpost. Moo. Can we get to some cows before the other looters do? What about…
Merry ZXmas
A warm front moves in on Christmas Day and brings some unwanted guests to Zyracuse Central.
Killin’ Stuff
I agree with Chris R’s comment (he’s a student; no full names) that there needs to be more gore, but I disagree that it should take place in Chris’s story. Stopping to kill everything would distract from the plot–and would actually contradict it. BUT we’re going to have to deal with the fact that there…
Love in the Time of Solanum
I have no idea what this would be about. I just like G. Garcia Marquez’ title and wanted to steal it.
A boyscout troup camping in the woods (in the summer) find themselves being overrun by the Panic toward the Niagara Incident. Ignoring their better judgement to flee with the rest, they start heading back toward Zyracuse — using boy scout training to survive their trek to civilization (bus stolen, looters, zack, etc). The scout leader…