Home for the Holidays


‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through Z-Cuse
All the Zombies were frozen; they stood like statues.

They say for Christmas, there’s no place like home,
And with Zack frozen stiff, we’d be safe alone.

The children were nestled back home in their beds,
And dreamt Santa would bring them shiny new ZEDs
And mamma with her shotgun, and I with my bat,
Were staying awake to make sure of that.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I ran to the window to see what was the matter.
As I threw open the curtains, I didn’t believe what I saw,
The icicles outside had started to thaw.

Then what to my frightened eyes should appear,
But a slow moving Zack, and eight thawing friends near.
With a moan so low, and eyes so dead,
I knew in a moment I’d bash in his head.
I entered the yard, and took care of that ghoul,
Then I realized going home for Christmas, I was such a fool;
Transport wouldn’t come back for us until morning,
And this Christmas thaw came on without warning.

I wouldn’t be able to stop them all by myself,
Back to the house I ran, blocking the door with a shelf.
I gathered my family, and moved them upstairs,
We watched out a window and said silent prayers;
The Zombies were moaning, that noise I can’t stand,
A dozen or so. For this, we had not planned.

Then up the street, a Rumbler did head,
And riding on top was Slater with his ZED.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to the killing,
We all watched in awe. Seeing him fight was quite thrilling.
His aim was superb, he never missed his mark,
And when they all dropped, he called to us in the dark:
“All’s clear now, my friend, time to go back home,
I thought I warned you not to spend Christmas alone.”

7 responses to “Home for the Holidays”

  1. My original comment was going to be “I giggled like a little school girl” but that would be much to creepy so I must say:

    Well done, I read this in Decemeber but I just recently (yesterday) made an account. Very well done.

  2. You’d be surprised: We tend to rip off a lot of great writers around here. It’s a Joseph Campbell thing: All the stories have already been told. The faces and places just change a bit.

  3. Thanks, I swear that this came to me in a dream. The night before writing this, I had been reading some Dr. Seuss books to my nephew. The next morning I woke up with this story going through my head.

    Dr. Seuss also lead to the creation of the Penn Quinn stories.

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